Frieze Design

I have also been looking at Greek friezes to decorate the architrave of the temple. Instead of adapting an existing Greek design I wanted to try and incorporate the fairy tale within the design. I have used a mix of women, trees and wolves to create a Little Red Cap inspired frieze.

Frieze Design

Greek Art

I have been looking at ancient Greek art work, especially sculpture, painting and ceramics. I would like the design and stylistic elements to be evident in the finished design.

Technical Drawing - Corinthian Column

The Corinthian style is more ornate and heavier than the Ionic style. In Corinthian temples, the columns have a fancier base to stand on. At the top of the columns, on the capital, there's a stone carving of acanthus leaves, under the architrave.

The Corinthian order is named for the Greek city-state of Corinth, to which it was connected in the period. However, according to the architectural historian Vitruvius, the column was created by the sculptor Callimachus, probably an Athenian, who drew acanthus leaves growing around a votive basket. In the oldest known Corinthian capital was found in Bassae, dated at 427 BC. It is sometimes called the feminine order because it is on the top level of the Colosseum and holding up the least weight, and also has the slenderest ratio of thickness to height. Height to width ratio is about 10:1.

I chose a Corinthian column rather than a simpler design because they are more closely linked with trees. Also as the columns are symbolic of a forest it made more sense to use the leaf design capitals rather than Ionic or Doric.

I found some measurements for a column on the Internet and then used those to calculate the rest of the dimensions. I then used these dimensions on another image of a capital to work out the sizes of the column decoration. These measurements were then used to make an Auto CAD drawing.

Technical Drawing
Technical Drawing Dimensions

Sketch Model

Sketch model showing how the gauze could change to reveal the temple at the back of the stage. I made a simple model out of paper and tracing paper for a quick way to see how the finished set could look and if the design needed to be changed in anyway.

Stage Designs

Through this design I have been exploring the idea of using gauze that can hide and also reveal the temple at the back of the stage. The gauze will be double painted or projected with columns and trees and depending on the lighting direction or colour will reveal different images. As the actors move around the set it will appear as if they are moving through an ever changing forest until the temple at the back is revealed. The temple will be built out of flats using a mix of wood and sculpted/moulded detailing on the columns and frieze.

Stage Design

The amount of gauze and size of the strips, or whether I use a full sheet of guaze is up for exploration when I make the sketch models.